Trip to Munnar – Part 1

Its been some time that we travelled. Covid paused many things, one of it – Trips. Was in Munnar for few days trip. Glad to see, tourist spots are back to pre-covid days. Hopefully this remains (lock down news already popping in!).

First day (after all internal struggles, i wonder how couple with kids travel long duration.!!), started the outing around 11 am to Eravikulam National park. Reaching the park around 12 noon, there was a huge rush in the ticket counter and long queue for boarding safari vehicle too. After couple of hours of wait time, boarded the safari van that took us to the national park entrance. I generally like to sit in the window seat in any vehicle to enjoy the view, but these vans fly like craft and make us worry about the worst. So moved to the center seat and continue to enjoy the view of beautiful landscape of western ghats and tree plantation.

Getting off the bus, it must be 2 to 3 km walk uphill to the top of the park. There were lot of Nilgiri Tahr roaming around. Its home, we were the guests. These goats/sheep are native to western ghats and now found only in here. And as usual people were doing things that were specifically called out not to do (touching or disturbing the animals).

It was a scenic walk with mountains surrounding all the sides. Somehow, i am not attracted to the tea or coffee plantations in the mountains. It is unnatural. Forest as it is, is a bliss to watch as it unfolds. Different types of plants, shrubs, trees together. And there are birds. Each place has a variety that sings all the time. Here it is red-vented bulbul, it happily flies and sings every where. Reached the park peak and puzzled to see the below board. It stuck a cord in me, limit is only in the mind and there is a path forward always.

Walked back to the van queue for getting down, met few more Tahrs on the way. From there, went to Kalaripayattu show in Kalari Kshethra. It was a good show and these people always raise a question in me, why? it needs strenuous training, dedication and perseverance to take forward the such legacy, when the world surrounding them is running in a different direction. My daughter enjoyed the show and thought such shows would inspire her to take up some thing one day!

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